Israel Studies
Here you will get information about courses and events related to Israel Studies at the University of Kansas.
This site is under development and includes partial information as of October 2023.

Recent News- Students’ podcast episodes on Israeli society
During the Spring 2023 semester, Prof. Zeedan offered the course: “Israel- from Idea to State”. The course satisfies the KU core goal 2.2: oral communication and all students produced podcast episodes. Check out some of these examples to learn about the six major divides in Israeli society
Students’ podcast episodes: Israel’s Divides ExplainedWelcome to Dr. Omri Senderowicz
This Fall 2023, we welcomed Dr. Omri Senderowicz to the Jewish Studies Program. Dr. Senderowicz will be a Visiting Assitant Professor of Israel Studies in 2023-2025. He will be teaching our course on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other courses on Israeli society and on his expertise in anthropology and history.